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Lara Tavoschi

1 mese 3 settimane ago

Lara Tavoschi is associated professor of public health in the University of Pisa. She holds a MSc in Medical Biotechnology, a PhD in Poverty-Associated diseases and MSc in Public Health.

She worked for the Italian National Institute of Health on translational research with a focus on HIV and other STIs, being based in South Africa for more than 5 years. She served in the scientific advice section of the ECDC, focusing on blood-borne and sexually transmitted infections. She coordinated the development of European guidance documents on prevention and control of HIV and viral hepatitis.

Currently she coordinates regional, national and European projects on primary and secondary prevention of blood-borne and sexually transmitted infections, and access to care for vulnerable populations. Since 2020 she has been member of the WHO Health in Prison Project Steering Group. In 2022 she was appointed by the Ministry of Health member of the National Health Committee on HIV/AIDS.


Lecture On the Importance of Drinking Responsibly

28 Jan, 15:45-16:30, Online

Alcohol, while deeply ingrained in many cultures and social traditions, presents significant public health challenges worldwide. This lecture will delve into the multifaceted impacts of alcohol on health, highlighting its role as a risk factor for a wide range of conditions, from liver disease and cancer to mental health disorders and accidents. We will explore the epidemiological data, the socioeconomic implications, and the health systems’ burden associated with alcohol-related diseases. Additionally, we will examine disparities in alcohol consumption and its health effects across different populations.





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Silvia Rolandi

1 mese 3 settimane ago

Born in the Tuscany countryside, Silvia Rolandi is an International Agri-food law lawyer. Graduated in International Private Law at the University of Pisa and a post-graduate course in International Trade Law at ITC-ILO in Torino. While visiting the Resnick Center for Food Law and Policy, University of California Los Angeles, Silvia earned her PhD from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Politics, Human Rights, and Sustainability.

She works in her law firm and is an assistant professor at the University of Pisa, within the Pisa Agricultural Economics Team - Food and Rural Studies for Sustainability, mainly focusing on digitalization in agriculture and rural areas, but also dealing with other issues and Lecturer in the Netherlands at Wageningen University and Research within the Law Group. She has been a Slow Food activist since 2008 and is currently a member of her local convivium and the regional committee.


Lecture Wine Legislation

05 Feb, 10:00-11:45, @Podere La Chiesa

Whether it occurred by accident or design, the invention of wine has been lauded as a fundamental achievement in human history. Wine’s preeminent role in sacred and secular life throughout the millennia is celebrated in literature, arts, religious rituals, and the culinary field. Wine production and trade have created great economic wealth, it has been the cause of many conflicts and spurred territorial conquests. For thousands of years, wine has played an important role as an agricultural product that ensures a livelihood for producers and distributors, and a legal framework has always accompanied this. There are rules concerning how to trade the wine, provide information to consumers, enhance territorial linkages through quality schemes, and the role played by group producers and associations. We will focus on this last part, the legal dimension, to provide an initial tool kit pack to navigate the intricated existing rules.







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Chiara Mignani

1 mese 3 settimane ago

Chiara Mignani is Post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the University of Pisa. She obtained her industrial PhD in Human Sciences: psychology, communication and social sciences at the University of Macerata (UNIMC).

During her PhD she gain experience in applied research in sensory analysis, consumer science and neuromarketing at the Italian Centre for Sensory Analysis (CIAS). As a visiting PhD student, she spent several months at the Department of Agri-Food Economics and Marketing at the School of Agriculture, Policy and Development, University of Reading, working on Food Policy and Marketing Research Methods.

She currently works as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Pisa on innovation adoption processes in agriculture, digitisation in rural areas, the twin transition and agri-food marketing.

Her main research interests are: innovation in agriculture and rural areas, rural development strategies, agricultural knowledge and innovation system (AKIS), digital ecosystems in rural areas.

Lectures Setting the Stage – Wine Beyond Sustainability World Café 

03 Feb, 16:30-18:00, @Aula Magna, Department of Agriculture Food and Environment

Step into a vibrant World Café workshop where to tackle key challenges through open dialogue and shared insights between you and the Tuscan Wine Route Federation representatives. Together, deepen connections within the wine routes network and explore innovative ideas, shaping a brighter future for all.

Unlocking real-world solutions through data collection

04 Feb, 10:00—12:00, @Podere Scurtarola

How do you conduct semi-structured interviews from an appreciative stance, what is appreciative inquiry? How to set up a creative session and what kind of data can you generate out of it?






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Giornata doppi titoli italo-francesi

1 mese 4 settimane ago

L’Ambasciata di Francia in Italia e l’Institut français Italia organizzano la Giornata Doppi Titoli Italo-Francesi che riunirà professori, responsabili di doppi titoli universitari, membri dei dipartimenti di Relazioni Internazionali delle università, esperti e rappresentanti istituzionali nel settore della cooperazione universitaria.

La giornata esplorerà lo stato attuale dei doppi titoli universitari italo-francesi con testimonianze di esperti, professori responsabili di doppi titoli ed alumni, nonché le prospettive future ed i possibili format europei. Un'occasione unica per condividere esperienze e buone pratiche: i partecipanti potranno prender parte a discussioni per approfondire aspetti concreti legati alla creazione ed alla gestione dei doppi titoli, quali l’architettura dei percorsi e la pianificazione delle mobilità, la coerenza dei modelli pedagogici, le modalità di ammissione e di valutazione, e più generalmente le modalità pratiche di implementazione. L'evento è rivolto tanto a chi ha già esperienza nel campo dei doppi titoli italo-francesi, quanto a chi è interessato a sviluppare nuovi programmi in tale ambito.

Una giornata per far rete, scambiare idee e sviluppare collaborazioni nel campo della cooperazione universitaria internazionale!

Preiscrizione obbligatoria al form:

L’evento è rivolto a:

  • Responsabili accademici e/o amministrativi di doppi-titoli universitari italo-francesi (presso le università francesi e italiane);
  • Responsabili accademici e/o amministrativi interessati alla possibilità di creare un doppio titolo italo-francese;
  • Responsabili e membri dei Dipartimenti Relazioni Internazionali delle università francesi e italiane e/o esperti coinvolti nello sviluppo di partenariati universitari internazionali;
  • Rappresentanti istituzionali nel campo della cooperazione universitaria e scientifica.
Bruna Orlando

Webinar Bando Vinci 2025 - UIF Università Italo Francese

1 mese 4 settimane ago

L'Università Italo Francesce - UIF organizza due sessioni informative online al fine di presentare i programmi di finanziamento attivi nel 2025 per le collaborazioni relative ai doppi diplomi, ai dottorati triennali e in cotutela, alla mobilità dei docenti e dei ricercatori, e di fornire indicazioni pratiche sul deposito delle candidature e sulle fasi successive alla selezione dei progetti.

Le sessioni informative online si svolgeranno:

  • Lunedì 20 gennaio 2025 dalle 12.30 alle 13.30: webinar in lingua francese
  • Martedì 21 gennaio 2025 dalle 11.30 alle 12.30: webinar in lingua italiana

Per partecipare ai webinar, è necessaria l'iscrizione online.

Al momentof è aperto il Bando Vinci 2025, volto a sostenere le seguenti iniziative:

  • Diplomi congiunti o doppi diplomi di 2° livello - Laurea Magistrale (Capitolo I)
  • Mobilità per tesi di dottorato in cotutela (Capitolo II)
  • Borse triennali di dottorato in cotutela / Contrats doctoraux pour thèses en cotutelle (Capitolo III).

La scadenza per la presentazione delle candidature è fissata alle ore 12 del 12 febbraio 2025 (ora di Roma).

Ulteriori informazioni sono disponbili a questo link.

Bruna Orlando

Bando Vinci 2025 - UIF Università Italo Francese

1 mese 4 settimane ago

Il bando Vinci ha l'obiettivo di favorire l’integrazione tra i sistemi d’insegnamento universitario dell’Italia e della Francia, contribuendo al processo di armonizzazione della formazione universitaria in Europa.

Il Bando Vinci 2025 è volto a sostenere le seguenti iniziative:

  • Diplomi congiunti o doppi diplomi di 2° livello - Laurea Magistrale (Capitolo I)
  • Mobilità per tesi di dottorato in cotutela (Capitolo II)
  • Borse triennali di dottorato in cotutela / Contrats doctoraux pour thèses en cotutelle (Capitolo III).

Il bando è aperto dall'11 dicembre 2024 al 12 febbraio 2025 (ore 12, ora di Roma).

Il bando, il modello di formulario e la pagina di accesso alle candidature sono raggiungibili da questo link.

Segnaliamo infine che l’Università Italo Francese organizza due sessioni informative online:

  • Lunedì 20 gennaio 2025 dalle 12.30 alle 13.30: webinar in lingua francese
  • Martedì 21 gennaio 2025 dalle 11.30 alle 12.30: webinar in lingua italiana

Per partecipare ai webinar, è necessaria l'iscrizione online.

Bruna Orlando


2 mesi 3 settimane ago

All online sessions will take place on Teams. The link will be communicated to confirmed participants by Jan, 18th, 2025.


21 Jan Online

15:00—15:30 – Michelangelo Zaccarello/Alessio Cavicchi (UNIPI): Introduction to the Course

15:30—16:30 – Liliya Terzieva (THUAS): Designing the Future Together: introduction to collaborative design, storytelling and innovative business modelling.

16:30—17:00 –     Challenges Presentation and Launch; Open Discussion


24 Jan Online

15:00—15:45 – Vesna Damnjanovic (UB): Wine Marketing Innovation Strategy

15:45—16:30 – Diana Morales (UiO): Innovation in Bio-Based Industries

16:30—17:00 – Open discussion


28 Jan Online

15:00—15:45 – Vinicius De Carvalho (King’s): Music and Wine

15:45—16:30 – Lara Tavoschi (UNIPI): On the Importance of Drinking Responsibly

16:45—17:15 – Open discussion


30 Jan Online

15:00—15:45 – Alessandra Meoni (UNIPI): Speaking the Language of Wine: Multilingual Insights for Tasting and Marketing

15:45—16:15 – Interactive workshop


03 Feb In-Person

@ Aula Magna, Department of Agriculture Food and Environment

14:30—15:15 – Michelangelo Zaccarello (UNIPI): Il vino: viaggio nella storia e cultura italiana

15:15—16:00 – Alessio Cavicchi (UNIPI): A Glimpse into Wine Market and Wine Tourism

16:30—18:00 – Sabrina Tomasi, Annapia Ferrara, Chiara Mignani (UNIPI): Setting the Stage: World Café – empathising with stakeholders


04 Feb In-Person

@ Podere Scurtarola (transfer to location provided by UNIPI)

10:00—12:00 – Sabrina Tomasi, Annapia Ferrara, Chiara Mignani (UNIPI): Unlocking real-world solutions: focus on data collection

12:00—15:30 – On-field Activities


16:30—17:30 – Dan Banik (UiO): Beyond the Goals

17:30—18:00 – Open discussion


05 Feb In-Person

@ Podere La Chiesa (transfer to location provided by UNIPI)

10:00:11:45 – Silvia Rolandi (UNIPI): Wine Legislation

12:00—13:30 – On-field Activities

15:00—16:00 – Liliya Terzieva, Heleen Geerts, Esmée Messemeker (THUAS): Prototyping expedition workshop: applying the Lego® Serious Play® methodology


06 Feb In-Person

@ Centro Avanzi (transfer to location provided by UNIPI)

10:00—17:30 – Graziella Benedetto (UNISS): Wine Wisdom Bites: Comparative Cases from Sardinia

10:00—11:30 – Liliya Terzieva, Heleen Geerts, Esmée Messemeker (THUAS): Sip & Tell: storytelling workshop

12:00—13:00 – Federazione Strade del vino: Idea Validation   

14:00—17:30 – Group Work, Evaluation Test


07 Feb In-Person

@ Aula Magna, Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics

9:00—10:30 – UNIPI&THUAS team*: Time to refine the presentations  

10:30—13:30 - Pitch Session, wrap-up, final grading and conclusions     


*The UNIPI&THUAS team involves the SWIW methodology co-design providers: from the University of Pisa (UNIPI) Sabrina Tomasi; Annapia Ferrara; Chiara Mignani; from The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS) Liliya Terzieva; Esmée Messemaker; Heleen Geerts.

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I-Lab: co-creation for regional innovation

3 mesi ago

The Contamination Lab (UNIPI) is pleased to present the first edition of the I-Lab, “Co-creation and Innovation for the Territory”, a dynamic program designed to equip participants with cutting-edge skills and tools to tackle today’s challenges and drive meaningful change. Three webinars of the program are open to MA and PhD students from Circle U. and the Start for Future network.

This initiative is developed within Circle U. WP5 for Innovation and Societal Engagement as a collaboration between UCLouvain and University of Pisa, with the pedagogical support of the CU.til platform.

Discover three transformative approaches to addressing complex problems and sparking innovation: Design Thinking, Systems Thinking, and Participatory Project Design. Through engaging online webinars filled with practical examples, participants will gain essential skills to rethink complexity and develop creative, sustainable solutions.

Participants who complete all three online webinars and pass a short, straightforward test will be awarded a digital micro-credential in the form of an open badge, certified by the University of Pisa. This badge officially recognizes the skills, knowledge, and abilities gained and can be shared with organizations or employers to build valuable connections between students, educators, and businesses.

Design Thinking

Date: 21st January 2025 | 14:00-15:30

The first webinar introduces a human-centered process divided into five dynamic stages: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. Participants will explore tools to reframe challenges across fields such as design, marketing, and policy-making. Lecturer: Sonia Massari.

Registration Form for Design Thinking
Registration deadline: Sunday, 19th January, 23:45.

Systems Thinking

Date: 27th January 2025 | 14:00-15:30

The second webinar complements the first one with a big-picture approach, helping you understand and navigate interdependent issues. Learn techniques like system mapping and identifying feedback loops and leverage points to craft innovative strategies in areas like sustainability, strategy, and innovation. Lecturer: Sonia Massari.

Registration Form for Systems Thinking
Registration deadline: Sunday, 19th January, 23:45.

Participatory Project Design

Date: 24th February 2025 | 14:00-15:30

The series concludes with a webinar on Participatory Design, a collaborative approach where diverse stakeholders—including students, experts, and decision-makers—actively contribute to the ideation and development process. This interdisciplinary method fosters interaction and knowledge exchange, driving inclusive and shared results with a practical, hands-on focus. Lecturer: Gigliola Paviotti.

Registration Form for Participatory Project Design
Registration deadline: Sunday, 19th January, 23:45.





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