Narrative and Discourse Analytical Approach to Multilingualism and Interculturality Research (Belgrado, 15-19 settembre 2025)
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Chiara Sanmartin is Associate Professor in Food Science and Technology at the Department of Agricultural, Food and Agro-environmental Sciences (DiSAAA-a) of the University of Pisa and Vice President of the Master's Degree Programs in Food Biosafety and Quality and Plant and Microbial Biotechnology. Her research focuses on the optimization of food preservation and processing methods and their characterization, with particular attention to the evaluation of the sensory profile of agri-food products, contributing to the improvement of their quality and sustainability.
She is the co-author of numerous scientific publications (Scopus H-index of 24 based on 95 articles indexed in this database) and actively participates in research projects, promoting the development of innovative techniques in the food sector.
Lecture Decoding Flavour: The science and art of Sensory Analysis in Wine
06 Feb, 11:30-12:30, @Centro Avanzi
Sensory analysis of “Vinsanto” (Holy Wine), a traditional Tuscan sweet wine made from dried grapes.
The activity will follow this schedule:
• A brief introduction to sensory analysis and “Vinsanto” (Holy Wine).
• Explanation of the Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) method and the sensory evaluation sheet to be used.
• “Vinsanto” tasting session (CATA test).
• Discussion of the results.
Francesca Venturi is Associate Professor in Food Science and Technology at the Department of Agricultural, Food Environment at the University of Pisa. She is the director of the first-level university master's program in Sensory Sciences for Healthy and Conscious Eating (SSASC) and Vice President of the International Academy of Sensory Analysis (IASA, Brescia).
Currently, Prof. Venturi is the co-author of more than 150 published works in both national and international journals (SCOPUS H-index of 26 based on 108 articles indexed in this database) and has participated in numerous international conferences as an Invited Speaker and as a member of the Organizing Committee.
06 Feb, 11:30-12:30, @Centro Avanzi
Sensory analysis of “Vinsanto” (Holy Wine), a traditional Tuscan sweet wine made from dried grapes.
The activity will follow this schedule:
• A brief introduction to sensory analysis and “Vinsanto” (Holy Wine).
• Explanation of the Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) method and the sensory evaluation sheet to be used.
• “Vinsanto” tasting session (CATA test).
• Discussion of the results.
Nell’ambito del Progetto COMMO, che promuove scambi di mobilità di staff e studenti universitari per favorire la collaborazione con Università dei paesi partner del Mediterraneo, c’è la possibilità di partecipare alla quinta edizione della International Staff Week “Bridging Cultures, Strengthening Partnerships, and Advancing Sustainability in Higher Education” organizzata dall’University of Jordan, che si terrà dal 4-8 maggio 2025 ad Amman in Giordania.
Questa possibilità, aperta allo staff sia accademico che amministrativo, rappresenta un'occasione unica di collaborazione, networking e scambio di buone pratiche con colleghi provenienti da università di tutto il mondo. Inoltre, l'ultimo giorno è prevista una visita al sito archeologico di Petra (l’agenda completa non è ancora disponibile).
Chi fosse interessato a partecipare a questa opportunità, deve presentare la propria candidatura a: entro il 21 febbraio 2025, inviando:
Le candidature, complete della suddetta documentazione, saranno registrate in ordine di arrivo.
Al momento non sono più disponibili borse di mobilità, per cui le eventuali ulteriori candidature non saranno necessariamente assegnate, ma sottoposte all’attenzione di UNIMED, coordinatore del Progetto, che poi valuterà sulla base della totalità di candidature ricevute, secondo disponibilità ed in maniera equilibrata tra i diversi atenei italiani.
Unità Programmi Internazionali di Cooperazione, Formazione e Mobilità
L'Università di Pisa bandisce, per l'anno 2025, una selezione per n. 4 studenti per posti di scambio, con esenzione dal pagamento della tuition fee, in una selezione dei programmi disponibili nelle due sessioni 30 giugno - 11 luglio 2025 e 14 - 25 luglio 2025 nell’ambito del programma “Undergraduate Summer School” del King’s College London.
Gli studenti interessati potranno presentare domanda entro e non oltre le h 12:00 del giorno 24 febbraio 2025, con le modalità indicate nel Bando di concorso.
Scarica il Bando e il modulo di domanda
Info e contatti:Direzione Didattica, studenti e internazionalizzazione
Unità Cooperazione Internazionale
Palazzo Modica, Piazza Torricelli n. 4 - 56126 Pisa
Tel. +39-050-22112272
Connector of Ideas, People, and Possibilities, she combines sharp thinking with a sense of warmth to create spaces where big ideas turn into actionable solutions in academia, start-ups and small & medium enterprises. Known for fostering collaboration and execution in projects. Whether she is organizing workshops, facilitating knowledge exchange, or managing complex projects, she approaches each challenge with curiosity, creativity, and a touch of wit.
With a background in Innovation Management at a Technical University and Industrial Design, she has an eye for connecting the data and dots. Linking people, disciplines, and content to spark meaningful changes for transitions our society is in need for. She balances the seriousness of academic rigor with an approachable, human- and user-centered perspective, ensuring that my work is not only effective but also engaging, viable and sustained.
She currently focuses on her academic journey at the Hague University of Applied Sciences as Project Manager, Researcher and an Entrepreneurship & Retail Management lecturer. Working on topics of systemic co-design, value chain management, business model innovation and development of entrepreneurial skillsets. In addition, being an entrepreneur in the field of graphic and webdesign, mostly for (sustainable) foundations.
Outside of her professional endeavors, she can be found overthinking her next creative project, sipping coffee, or crafting plans to make the impossible possible. Because, as she believes, good ideas deserve great execution (and maybe a good laugh along the way).
03 Feb, 18.00-18.30, @Aula Magna, Department of Agriculture Food and Environment
Prototyping expedition workshop
5 Feb, 15:00-16:00, @Podere La Chiesa
Do you know that 95% of the knowledge we have is concentred on the tip of our fingers and despite our efforts to verbalize it or bring it into creative motion, it doesn’t always come across. So, why not reframing the above and start with action before reflection? Lego® Serious Play® is the methodology that enables you to subconsciously arrive at new worlds, co-design, listen, engage and have all voices heard, while of course having fun and trusting the flow of the process!
Let us embark on this expedition together and prototype the sustainable future of wine!
06 Feb, 10:30-11:30, @Centro Avanzi
Interested in bringing your message across and engaging the audience to think along with you? Curious on what it takes to have the participants of your presentation in an awe? And how to make this interactive? Then this shall be the workshop to immerse yourselves in tools and techniques to make that happen.
Stories are the magic that makes people remember something forever since they do not just touch and open your mind but also plant seeds in your heart and speak to your emotions, let us see together how this happens in practice.
Vinicius Mariano de Carvalho is Reader in Brazilian and Latin American Studies at King’s College London. Besides his academic career, he is also music conductor and directs King’s Brazil Ensemble.
Lecture Music and Wine28 Jan, 15:00-15:45, Online
This lecture explores the intricate relationship between wine and music, examining how these two sensory experiences can enhance and influence one another. Through a multidisciplinary approach that incorporates elements of sensory perception, and cultural studies, the lecture investigates the impact of various musical genres on the tasting experience of different wines. It also delves into historical and contemporary practices surrounding wine and music pairings, highlighting their significance in social gatherings and rituals. The lecture will identify key patterns in consumer preferences and the emotional responses elicited by specific wine and music combinations. Ultimately, this lecture aims to provide a deeper understanding of the synergistic effects of wine and music, offering insights for both connoisseurs and casual enthusiasts on how to enrich their experiences through deliberate pairings.
Diana Morales is a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture TIK at the University of Oslo. She holds a PhD in Economic and Development Geographies. Her research concentrates on local development and bio-based industries in both Europe and Latin America, and has published on topics including innovation policies, local development strategies, and critical perspectives on conventional economic theories.
Lecture Innovation in Bio-Based Industries: Pathways to Sustainable Territorial Development24 Jan, 15:45-16:30, Online
In this module, we will explore the geography of innovation and its role in the adaptation and renewal of bio-based industries, emphasising on the effects on local development and the challenges that climate change pose. The lecture part of the module will introduce concepts such as local development and its connection to innovation, place-based and transformative theories of innovation, and the role of socio-cultural dimensions in shaping a region’s economic development.
Readings:- Vincent, O. and Feola, G., 2020. A framework for recognizing diversity beyond capitalism in agri-food systems. Journal of Rural Studies, 80, pp.302-313.
- Boschma, R., 2000. An empirical analysis of the industrial rise of the Third Italy. Available at An Empirical Analysis Of The Industrial Rise Of The Third Italy
- Jones, G.V., Reid, R. and Vilks, A., 2012. Climate, grapes, and wine: structure and suitability in a variable and changing climate. The geography of wine: Regions, terroir and techniques, pp.109-133.
After some years of teaching in Dublin, Oxford and Verona, Michelangelo Zaccarello is professor of Filologia italiana at the University of Pisa and is currently president of ICoN-Italian Culture on the Net. He has held Fulbright scholarships at Indiana University (2011-12) and Northwestern (Evanston IL, Jan-Apr 2022). H
is main research areas are the textual scholarship of early Italian literary texts, mainly comic verse and short stories (with critical editions of Burchiello, Pulci, Sacchetti), and digital philology. He has spent visiting terms in several North-American universities (UC Berkeley, UA Tucson, Notre Dame, Toronto) and in European ones: Cambridge (UK), Helsinki (Finland), Nitra (Slovakia), Lausanne (Switzerland).
Of his more than a hundred publications, many appeared outside Italy: Belgium, Estonia, France, Finland, UK, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, USA. Amongst his recently published volumes on textual scholarship: L’edizione critica del testo letterario (Mondadori 2017), Teoria e forme del testo digitale (Carocci 2019), Leggere senza libri (Cesati 2020).
Lecture Il vino: un viaggio attraverso la storia e la cultura italiana
03 Feb, 14:30-15:15, @ Aula Magna, Department of Agriculture Food and Environment
Winemaking in Italy dates back to the Roman Empire, and the first ever treatise on the various wines was written by Sante Lancerio (bottigliereto pope Paul III) and already tackling several modern issues (wine colour and strength, order of serving and combination with the various foods). Today Italy is home to the world’s greatest wine fait (Vinitaly, in Verona every Spring) and hosts a number of outstanding traditions (food culture, regional recipes, general wellbeing): this WS offers a multi-faceted introduction to many of such aspects, from various theoretical standpoints but also through the direct experience of winemaking “in the process”, by means of a direct experience of its various stages.
Sabrina Tomasi is a research fellow at the Department of Agricultural, Food and Agri-environmental Sciences at the University of Pisa (UNIPI) and holds a Master's degree in Cultural Heritage Management from the University of Macerata (UNIMC). She obtained a PhD in Human Sciences at UNIMC with a doctoral thesis on the role of universities in promoting educational tourism in rural areas.
She then worked as a research fellow for 2 years in Macerata with a project on the role of universities in regional innovation processes and currently works at UNIPI on several European projects on innovative didactics for sustainability, entrepreneurship education and community-based innovation in rural areas. Common to all projects is an action-research approach and the application of qualitative methods based on co-design with local stakeholders.
She is also an activist in several NGOs focusing on participatory processes to foster community-driven innovations in rural areas.
Lectures Setting the Stage – Wine Beyond Sustainability World Café
03 Feb, 16:30-18:00, @Aula Magna, Department of Agriculture Food and Environment
Step into a vibrant World Café workshop where to tackle key challenges through open dialogue and shared insights between you and the Tuscan Wine Route Federation representatives. Together, deepen connections within the wine routes network and explore innovative ideas, shaping a brighter future for all.
04 Feb, 10:00-12:00, @Podere Scurtarola
How do you conduct semi-structured interviews from an appreciative stance, what is appreciative inquiry? How to set up a creative session and what kind of data can you generate out of it?
Liliya Terzieva - currently Professor in Designing Value Networks at the Hague University of Applied Sciences, has a PhD in the field of Economic and Organizational sciences of Leisure and Tourism and in specific the collaborative aspects of experiences, innovation, and competitiveness.
Within her career pathway she has around 20 years of international experience (China, Malta, Vietnam, France, the Netherlands, etc.) within either the non-governmental, public, educational or business sectors, related to the domains of: entrepreneurial learning, value generation, leadership, innovative teaching and learning, quality standards’ development and assurance, tourism, leisure, entrepreneurship, strategic design, Imagineering, institutional capacity building and organizational development.
Liliya is a member of the editorial board of several research and applied journals as well as is an active collaborator and member of the Worldwide Association of Female Professionals. In addition, she works as an external reviewer and co-creator of EU-funded projects, while generating and cooperating with, among others – the Beijing International Studies University; the Bulgarian Chamber of Education, Science and Culture; FHGR, Graubuenden; University of Montpellier; FH Joanneum, Graz. She is often invited to contribute and speak at national and international academic and applied research conferences and forum.
21 Jan, 15:30-16:30, Online
This online workshop will provide information and direct experience of the process and approach to be employed during the Sustainable Wine Intensive Week at the University of Pisa. Participants will be acquainted with the key elements of collaborative design, storytelling and innovative business modelling.
Prototyping expedition workshop: applying the Lego® Serious Play® methodology05 Feb, 15:00-16:00, @Podere La Chiesa
Do you know that 95% of the knowledge we have is concentred on the tip of our fingers and despite our efforts to verbalize it or bring it into creative motion, it doesn’t always come across. So, why not reframing the above and start with action before reflection? Lego® Serious Play® is the methodology that enables you to subconsciously arrive at new worlds, co-design, listen, engage and have all voices heard, while of course having fun and trusting the flow of the process!
Let us embark on this expedition together and prototype the sustainable future of wine!
06 Feb, 10:30-11:30, @Centro Avanzi
Interested in bringing your message across and engaging the audience to think along with you? Curious on what it takes to have the participants of your presentation in an awe? And how to make this interactive? Then this shall be the workshop to immerse yourselves in tools and techniques to make that happen.
Stories are the magic that makes people remember something forever since they do not just touch and open your mind but also plant seeds in your heart and speak to your emotions, let us see together how this happens in practice.
Anna Terroni studied at the University of Pisa, where she obtained her Master's degree in Italian Studies with honours, discussing her thesis entitled "Gli oltraggi d'amore e di fortuna dell'Accademico Intronato Alessandro Donzellini, critical edition proposal and commentary". She is currently a doctoral student in Italianistic Studies at UNIPI and is mainly engaged in philological studies related to Renaissance theatrical texts produced in Tuscan academic circles.
She has been involved in Circle U. as an Alliance ambassador and she is supporting the SWIW organisation, by playing a tutoring role.