Structural and cultural determinants
Lecture 1. Historical legacies, decolonisation and responsibility in global health
Wednesday 26 February, 15-17 p.m.
Philosophy of science, responsible research and innovation, history of medicine with special reference to colonial and post-colonial approaches in global health, equitable partnership and ethics in global public health research and interventions.
Lesson 2. Peace as a horizon of shared well-being
Wednesday 5 March, 3-5 p.m.
Relationship between health and peace, conflict, war and peacebuilding, impact of war on the health of civilian populations, humanitarian health interventions in war zones.
Lesson 3. Culture and society in medicine
Wednesday 12 March, 3-5 p.m.
Elements of anthropology and sociology, qualitative methods in health research, cultural and social factors related to behaviour, including deviance, and health outcomes from an intersectional perspective.
Lesson 4. Workshop on languages and positioning in global health
Wednesday 19 March, 3-5 p.m.
Workshop on language, differences and conflicts; workshop on qualitative research and ways of relating to patients/participants/partners in global public health projects.
Environmental determinants
Lesson 5. The health of populations
Wednesday 26 March, 15-17 p.m.
Measuring the health of populations, surveillance and disease burden, epidemiology of communicable diseases, environmental epidemiology and risk measurement.
Lecture 6. One Health: (re)emerging infectious diseases
Wednesday 2 April, 3-5 p.m.
Interdependencies between human, animal and environmental health and integrated surveillance, climate change, habitat disturbance, migratory and commercial movements. Focus on zoonotic, vector-borne and food-borne diseases.
Lecture 7. One Health: Food safety, quality and sustainability
Wednesday 9 April, 15-17 p.m.
Environmental sustainability of agricultural and livestock production, food safety and quality, agri-food policies and health, healthy and sustainable diets.
Lecture 8. Workshop on control of (re)emerging diseases
Wednesday 16 April, 3-5 p.m.
Workshop on investigation of an emerging disease outbreak (e.g. vector-borne diseases, zoonoses); workshop on implementation of health risk management and control interventions (e.g. pesticide use, foodborne disease outbreak, food contamination).
Legal and Economic Determinants
Lesson 9. Health between individual and social responsibility
Tuesday 7 May, 3-5 p.m.
Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, resource constraints and well-being, individual and societal responsibility for health outcomes.
Lecture 10. Inequalities in health
Wednesday 14 May, 3-5 p.m.
Determinants of health and their evolution over time, the concept of vulnerability and stigma, inequalities and the right to health. Focus on gender and migrants.
Lecture 11. New technologies and health: a question of access
Wednesday 21 May, 3-5 p.m.
Commercial determinants of health and conflict of interest. Focus on drugs, biomedical devices and artificial intelligence.
Lecture 12. Workshop on conflict of interests in health
Wednesday 28 May, 3-5 p.m.
Workshop on advocacy and conflict of interest in health policies (e.g. front of pack labelling, tobacco control, sugar tax); Workshop on welfare, right to health and ecological transition; Workshop on stakeholder involvement in the design, production and distribution process of a new technology.
UNIPI lecturers
Daniele Antichi
Andrea Armani
Gianluca Brunori
Fabrizio Bruschi
Mauro Capocci
Virginia Casigliani
Florinda Coro
Claudio Davini
Simone d'Alessandro
Caterina di Pasquale
Francesca Galli
Roberto Gronda
Valentina Mangano
Simone Marinai
Marcello Mele
Maurizio Mazzei
Anna Monreale
Gerardo Pastore
Enza Pellecchia
Caterina Rizzo
Elettra Stradella
Lara Tavoschi
Marco Verani
External lecturers
Aleksandra Buha Djordjevic (University of Belgrade, Circle U.)
Alice Fabbri (University of Bath)
Rosie Mayston (King’s College London, Circle U.)
Sandy Tubeuf (UCLouvain, Circle U.)
Jacopo Tomasina (Emergency)
Carlotta Monti (Casa della Donna di Pisa)