The "SEARCH - School of Etruscology: Archaeology and Research in Cultural Heritage” offers an intensive academic programme of 10 working days involving lectures, visits, small group tutorials and archaeological excavation activities, related to the history of the Etruscan city of Volterra situated in the north part of Tuscany.
The programme will be held on campus at SIAF Volterra International School of Higher Education and it will be conducted, both in the classroom and in the field, by scholars and experts in archaeological disciplines. During the weekend, participants will have free access to additional nearby archaeological sites.
The lessons will be designed for students with a background in classical studies who wish to gain a deeper understanding of Etruscan and pre- Roman civilisations. The School of Etruscology is intended as a programme divided into different activities, including classes (lectures of archaeology, palaeopathology, photogrammetry), workshops dedicated to the preliminary cleaning and classification of archaeological finds, thematic visits to museums and archaeological sites and fieldactivities related to stratigraphical excavation. Specifically, excavation activities will be held in the Etruscan necropolis of Colombaie. The excavation carried out since 2016 by the Etruscology Team of the University of Pisa revealed the presence of Late Orientalizing/Early Archaic mounds.
Confirmed speaker and exerciser (in alphabetical order):
- Fabrizio Burchianti
- Samuele Cambianica
- Carmine De Mizio
- Giulia Riccomi
- Maria Vittoria Riccomini
- Lisa Rosselli
- Emanuele Taccola
At the end of the programme there will be a final written examination to obtain the ECTS.
Thanks to a partnership with the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Volterra, the Winter School will be held on campus, in Volterra (Pisa), at SIAF, Strada Provinciale del Monte Volterrano, Località Il Cipresso.
SIAF will host the participants in its facilities not only for lessons, but also offering them food and accommodation.
The purpose of the School of Etruscology is to enhance the knowledge of the archaeological heritage of the ancient Etruscan city of Volterra.
The academic programme aims to provide students with the appropriate tools to study the ways and times of the development of an ancient Etruscan city through activities such as the analysis of the material culture and the discovery of the archaeological heritage. In particular, thanks to the collaboration of the Guarnacci Museum, participants will be guided in in-depth thematic studies of specific Etruscan artefacts. Moreover, the field experience in the Colombaie necropolis will be an opportunity for the learning of the first basics of the archaeological excavation.
Who can apply
The Summer School is aimed at BA, MA and PhD students in Archaeology, Classics, History, Cultural Heritage Management and disciplines related to Humanities.
Program Intensity
Admission Requirements
The School of Etruscology welcomes University BA, MA and PhD students or young researchers in Archaeology, Classics, History, Cultural Heritage Management and disciplines related to Humanities.
- The Summer School will be activated with at least 5 students
- The maximum number of participants is set to 15 students
Required Documents
- Identity Document (*PASSPORT in case you are a foreign student*)
- Enrolment Form
- Curriculum Vitae
- Proof of tetanus vaccination
- Medical certificate of good health
- Certificate of any allergies and/or food intolerances
All the documents must be in pdf format, in order to upload them on the portal when required.
Application has to be submitted via Alice portal following the instructions of the "How to apply" page.
- 5 April 2025: early bird application deadline for those interested in financial support
- 9 April 2025: the selection procedure for the assignment of the tuition-fee waivers will be concluded and the results will be notified to the awardees
- 10 April 2025: activation of the payment form
- 5 May 2025: general application deadline
- 23 May 2025: deadline for the tuition fee payment.
750 euro
Pay fees by Debit/Credit Card or PayPal online using the following: Payment Form
[the payment form will be available from 10 April 2025]
- International students without Italian Tax Code: please tick the box 'Anonymous' in order to disable the field 'Italian personal ID/VAT number'.
- Please type your NAME and SURNAME next to the pre-filled text of the field 'Reason'
- Please pay only after receiving the admission letter
- By 15 May 2025 (included) 2/3 of the fees already paid (equivalent to 500 euro) will be refunded for proven and serious family and/or health reasons. The reasons and supporting documents related to refund requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
- After 15 May 2025 there will be no refund of the paid tution fees.
Three scholarships, amounting to 250 euro each, are available for those who apply by 5 April 2025.
They will be assigned on the basis of the adherence of their academic CV to the program of the Winter School and on the basis of the country income group and country distance from Italy.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: 5 April 2025 is the early bird application deadline for those interested in applying for the available scholarships.
9 - 20 June 2025
Application Deadline
5 May 2025
Scientific Coordinator
Prof. Lisa Rosselli
Summer/Winter School Office
Facebook: EtrUnipi
Instagram: @EtrUnipi